Dr. Dahlia Mostafa is a Professional Certified Master Life Coach, Marriage & Youth Counsellor & Leadership Consultant with 15 years of experience. She holds four coaching degrees from Canada & USA. Dahlia is a Ph.D. Fellow in Leadership, Policy, and Change with an area of focus in Counselling Psychology. Moreover, she is a writer, a motivational public speaker, a trainer, and a humanitarian as well. She travelled the world, succeeded to build bridges across different cultures, embraced humanity and charity and became a voice of change and empowerment for so many around the world. Dahlia Is Fluent in English, French, and Arabic and regularly appears on CBC and CTV.
Dahlia is the President & CEO of the Canadian Life Transformation Academy. She works hand in hand with husbands, wives, children, and community members using a coaching and counselling approach that is tailored to their needs, backgrounds, cultures, morals and ethics to help them make their dreams real and revive their relationships while improving their well-being, balance, and development. Her vision is to help individuals around the world, to bring out the best in them, and help them create a fulfilling way of living; and her mission is to enrich the quality of relationships and family life while promoting the development of children into happy, secure, self-sufficient, emotionally robust adults; ones who are capable of becoming respectful constructive citizens. She is also dedicated to help immigrants, newcomers, and refugees to settle and integrate in North America. Dahlia pursues her work in English, French, and Arabic through one on one sessions at her Calgary Office in Canada, and also Internationally via Phone and Skype. She has workshops, seminars, and courses running throughout the year in twenty two different areas in line with her vision and mission. Her Facebook page has more than half a million fans from all over the world following her writing and inspirational shows. On a monthly basis, Dahlia is committed to carry out free workshops that provide solutions for our day-to-day problems. It is a core value for her to offer services that are affordable, and accessible to all society members.
In addition, Dahlia holds to her credit 46 international awards based on research and academic excellence as well as her leadership, teaching skills, volunteerism, community service, social change influential impact, and humanitarian initiatives. She was recently the winner of both the 2017 Canadian Immigrants of Distinction Award in Community Service and the 2017 RBC Top 25 Canadian Immigrants Award. Moreover, Dahlia was recently honored by the Governor General of Canada, on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II, by the Sovereign Medal for Volunteers. She was also honored with the Presidential Award of Achievement from the Egyptian Minister Nabila Makram in July 2017 Together with the Leadership Award of the Year from the Gradual Rising of Women Canadian Organization in October 2017.
Dahlia is passionate about Social Change, Community Service, Education, Marriage Counselling, Youth Development, Parental Education, Life/Soul/Fertility Coaching, and Leadership Management. Dahlia's area of expertise covers Marriage Counselling, Family Reconciliation, Youth Development, Parental Education, Motivation, Life Coaching, Soul Coaching, Fertility Coaching, NLP Coaching, Leadership Management, Team Building, Strategic Planning, Depression, Anxiety, Anger Release and Anger Management, Fear Analysis, Grief Counselling, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Post-Partum Depression, Issues of low Self-Esteem, Confidence, Guilt, Shame and Body Image as well as Career and Academic Counselling.
Dahlia's Volunteerism started in Egypt throughout her school Notre Dame De Sion, and carried over during her university years in Egypt, Canada and USA. Dahlia takes pride being a Rotarian who is dedicated to serve people around the globe. Furthermore, Dahlia holds a Bachelor and Master Degrees in Electrical Engineering as well as a reputable Canadian experience in Oil and Gas and Academia. Her transformational journey as the Vice-President of Academic and University Affairs of the Post Graduate Student Society at McGill University for two consecutive years was a journey of commitment in serving her colleagues, surveying their needs and finding creative solutions for their problems. As you can tell by now, Dahlia is a life-long learner and a PhD steward of the discipline dedicated to learn, conserve, and transform knowledge.
Dahlia is happily married to Ahmed Mostafa, has one son “Ramsey”, and takes care of her precious elderly mother living with them in Canada. She lives in Calgary and she enjoys travelling, photography, fine dining, volunteering, and learning about customs and traditions.
Awarded based on Exemplary Community Service and Social Change Impact, March 2017 @ Calgary, Canada
Awarded based on Life-Time Achievements and Outstanding Professional Contributions, May 2017 @ Vancouver, Canada
The First Arabic Speaking Radio Show in North America to Tackle Psychological Issues
Awarded based on Exemplary Community Service and Social Change Impact, March 2017 @ Calgary, Canada
For Detailed Information About Me, Please Feel Welcomed To Visit My Website